JAN. 6, 2005 - Court of Honor - Attend the ceremony where your Scouts are recognized for their achievements.
Parents welcome!
JAN. 14-16 - Rocketry/Sledding/Gaming Campout - We will build our model rockets for a later launch
date. Also we will sled if there is snow and play games in the warm Meadowbrook Scout cabin in Valparaiso. Rockets will not
be attached to sleds. Cost is $10.00 Pay by Jan. 6 at Court of Honor.
FEB. 13 - Museum Trip - The Troop went to the Museum od Science and Industry in Chicago.
Mar. 19 - Potawatomi Trail Hike - Hike at the Dunes
April 15-17 Shooting/Scouting for Food - We will collect food for the needy, AND shoot targets and
clays. (Not at the same time)
April 23-24 WW2/Rocketry- We saw a great tribute to WWII veterans and learned a lot of history. Also,
Sunday morning we launched our rockets. A firepower bonanza! Check out the pix.
May 13-15 Spring Camporee - Camp Betz in Michigan. We will compete for the barrel with our Scout